Governor Cuomo has commitment to public service and the proven leadership skills to make government work for the people of the state. Governor approves abortion and that's it's the women's choose. He wants to create public/private partnerships that leverage state resources to generate billions of dollars in economic growth. Platform on corporations tax-free incubator zones and prevent landlords from avoiding rent regulation. Plan form on Crime is to end stop and frisk,videotape all interrogations not give money to prisons, collect DNA for all crimes, to exonerate the innocent, not incarcerating youth. No tolerance for drugs, modify education system and putting for money in the system. Put more money in to clean oil and energy.
Next is Rob Astorino who is sided with the Republicans who presently serving his second term of being County Executive. Rob has many plans of actions when he becomes governor. He plans on lowing rates and valued cost to draw in more businesses, establish a connection with fellow New Yorkers and the press, and even improving a students education to benefit them for the future and the world. Of course a governor's top priority is our economy. Rob has created a proposal to have more jobs for individuals to have New York's economy growing. Also he would have many facilities and building be rebuild so we can bring back mass-produce and high tech industries back to New York. On top of that he would attack high property taxes like lands, reconstruction, personal property, and personal property like stocks, bonds, etc.
Howie Hawkin is sided with the Green Party which means that they are against any violence, social justice and of course going green, he suggests on A Green New Deal for New York. Economic democracy which mean flat taxes and equal wedges, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Justice, Environmental. Civil Rights and racial justice disapprove of stop and frisk and other racial of unequal police tactics.Criminal justice reform which gives everyone equal opportunity in the justice system. Workers rights that improve the wedges of workers. Immigrants rights allowing immigrants to have more freedom and rights like a average American citizen. Women's Rights like letting them have the same salary as men, and fair job opportunities, end Corruption of in the government. Howie’s economic plan is to create a state-owned bank so NY can pay for public project and for private businesses at low cost instead of having a private bank. Howie’s main force is going green especially since he wants more people to move to rural communities and have reserve healthy food. He also strongly disagrees with CAFOs which in other words are the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. In Howie’s eyes, they are damaging the environment, food safety, public health, ethical treatments of animals (abusing them) and etc. He also wants students/ children to have some sort of background knowledge of buying and creating fresh foods and have economic security which is incomes workers and retired elders need to achieve economic security.
Weaver, Teri. " Rob Astorino on taxes, bridges, school aid and advice from George Pataki" Syracuse Media Group, 15 October 2014. Web. 20 October 2014.
"Issues". Rob Astorino Issues. N/A. Web. 21 October 2014
"Andrew Cuomo on the Issues." Andrew Cuomo on the Issues. OnTheIssues. Web. 22 Oct. 2014. <>.
"A Green Alternative: Our Platform."Howie Hawkins for NY. Vote Green Party. Web. 22 Oct. 2014. < platform>.
"Howie Hawkin for NY Governor-Green Party." Howie Hawkin. Green Party New York. 19 October 2014
"The Economic Security Database" N/A. Wilder Opportunities for Women. 20 October 2014
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